Friday, 8 March 2013

Gaudi House. Well, actually...just the sign for it...

Yes a couple of us visited the Gaudi houses while we were in Barcelona. Here's the shocking part: I can't fu**ing stand any of it. Pardon my Catalan. I really don't understand his work, particularly those houses. To me it just looks as though he's just thrown pieces of marble and coloured rock at grotesquely shaped curved buildings. Maybe I don't like it because I'm so anally retentive about straight lines and equal borders and angular baselines etc. Anyway, rant aside... I did notice that perhaps the only good thing about it was the sign outside. Whoever was in charge of designing this was clearly well informed about Swiss Graphic Design, there's grid systems in there, nice slick San Serif Type in there, and sharp angled geometry and baselines. It's really great. So all in all, it was worthwhile going.

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